
Thomas Muster, Art by Tom Lohner

What do a drunk driver in Miami, a Viennese furniture company, and the only world #1 never to have won a match at Wimbledon have in common? A few more rpm when the drunk driver struck, and Muster might be dead. A few more rpm on the ball as Muster sits in a chair, his […]


“Tennis Muse,” Art by Sara Lora

“The ‘Tennis Muse’ painting depicts the Imperial Age statue of the Torlonia Nymph with a sport-inspired detail—a hat atop her head. The juxtaposition of the classical statue with the sporty accessory creates an intriguing blend of ancient and contemporary themes, capturing the essence of dedicated athletes immersed in their mental preparation before a competition.”—Sara Lora […]


Zverev’s Mind, or Zverev’s Second Serve

Note: The truth value of many of these sentences is fading quickly. “Chokerev,” “Abuserev,” Zverev abused so often on Twitter I never how to respond. Zverev bullied as a diabetic kid. Zverev accused of domestic violence. Zverev smashing his racquet close to the umpire’s legs. I should write about his backhand, the second-best backhand on […]


R. Norris Williams: US National Champ and Titanic Survivor

Note: Though some version of each dream below might be dreamed by anyone in America, each dream is based on the life of R. Norris Williams. He lived in a country where dreams are exchanged, where anyone might dream another’s reality. One night a dream is an acceptance letter from Harvard. One night Ben Franklin […]